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Yes, We Still Need to Eat Happily After January 1st

Yes, we have all had our fill of Christmas cookies and all of the holiday treats that we allow ourselves to eat all December long. Well, maybe not all of us, but many of us including myself. Those “most of us” are busy finishing off the holiday foodathon in anticipation of eating close to perfectly in the new year.  I personally have a plethera of experience in this behavior… judgement here. I am also painfully familiar with the boredom that sets in about 10 days into the new year. This is when I have been eating at home so that I can be sure to eat all of the right things, and I feel bored, deprived and overwhelmed with food preparation!  I now just want to eat in a restaurant and have someone prepare food for me.  So I am suggesting to those “most of us” to do exactly that. Go out and take the challenge of figuring out what you can eat. It’s all choices, and it’s real life! If you are going to be successful with new habits, those habits have to fit into your lifestyle or you are going to be miserable…just my humble opinion. And I know that most every local restauraunt will accomodate your needs and wants. You just have to ask.

So let me remind you of many of the great eating establishments that we have locally. Here are just a few of my favorites. I challenge you and the lccal restaurants to help you to enjoy your 2020 food journey. I would love your feed back and your favorites! Nora’s Restaurant has several fabulous salads. My favorite is the roasted beet and leek.  For breakfast,  DJs Hash House is one of my favorites with eggs as simple or complicated at you would like. My favorite is a veggie omelet and they are happy to hold the cheese!  Another gem is Zanto Restaruant with lots of freshly made choices. Their smoked salmon salad is fabulous. If I am feeling like overlooking what is happening on the lake, The Launch has endless breakfast and lunch choices. The New England Salad and the Congamond Cobb are fabulous. Skyline Beer Company has just recently opened and is a very popular spot. They open at 2:00. I have stopped there for a late lunch and had a fabulous salad with pickled onion, pickled jalapenos, and some carmelized onions. You can build your salad with a great list of choices. Or maybe some roasted cauliflower?

These are just a few of my favorite places to be in Southwick and Westfield and still eat as healthily as I choose. What are your favorites?

If you think new construction could be the right fit for you or you are interested in learning more about the reservation process, reach out to myself  Carol Saltus or Meghan Hess at (413) 579-8460 or visit our website.






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