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Have you ever dreamed of building a home?



Today I’m touching on a topic that frequently comes up in conversation. When people learn I’m working on a new construction project, they often say, “I’ve always wanted to build a home.” Or, “If I had the chance to build a home, I already know exactly what I’d build!” 

My follow up question, “Have you looked into it?” Most people haven’t.  

I know it may seem daunting. We’ve all seen the plumbing commercials. “I’d like to design my kitchen around this faucet.” Is that practical? No...but with the creation of apps like Pinterest, inspiration is right at our fingertips. And I’m here to help!

Here are some important questions to ask:
What do I need in my next home? Consider the number of bedrooms, baths, etc.
What style of home am I looking for, like one story or two?
Is there a particular style you like?
Where do I want to live? 

Next, take a look at financing. There are many local lenders with great options for new construction. For example, The Greens has partnered with Westfield Bank as a lending partner. 

Once you secure financing, here’s what comes next: Locate your future home site, secure a builder and create house plans.

I hope this helps give you a better idea of what to expect when thinking about new construction.

If you think you’re ready to build your dream home, or you’re interested in more information, feel free to reach out to myself, Meghan Hess, or my colleague Carol Saltus at (413) 579-8460. Plus, our website,, is always open.

Warmest wishes,

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