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Around Town Information

Is Winter A Good Time to Buy New Construction?

The prospect of moving, whether buying an existing home or constructing a new one is a process. While there is much soul searching to do to determine your path, we believe that there is no better time to start the process than in the winter. If new construction is a direction you wish to explore…

Buildings Being Razed This Week!

Driving by The Greens of Southwick this week, you may have noticed some changes in the landscape. As more than 50% of the homes have been sold on the West side, the developers are making way for more new homes. The clubhouse on the 122-acre former golf course is set to be razed this week. The…

Things people who have built their homes wish they knew before they got started! 

        This week I wanted to tackle some of the pain points for people who have been through the new construction process.  I found a great plan online, but I found out it wasn’t designed for our climate. While there are great websites for house plans, it’s very important to find out…